Member Registration

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LWV Loudoun County


Membership in the League of Women Voters, one of the most respected and effective grassroots organizations in the country, is open to all people aged 16 or older. 

Your LWV Loudoun membership includes:

  • Memberships in the Virginia State and National Leagues 

  • Civic and Nonpartisan information you can trust

  • Opportunity to make a difference in your community

1) Join/Renew Process 

Join or renew by completing the form below. The Join/Renew Process is explained in this video.

To join or renew your membership, click on the following Join/Renew Button or scan the Join/Renew QR Code.


Membership dues are split between the LWV-Loudoun, LWV-VA and LWVUS.

Dues are paid annually, renewable on your Join Date anniversary each year.

2) Member Portal

After joining, LWV members can access the Member Portal to:

  • update their information (e.g. change their phone number, address, etc.)
  • Access VOTE411
  • Access the LWV Loudoun website

To access the Member Portal, click on the following Member Portal Button or scan the Member Portal QR Code.